46 Lies That Trap Many Christians – #34 and #35

Lie # 34 “The New Covenant begins at Matthew 1:1.”

No, what we call the New Testament begins there but God made the New Covenant with Jesus at Calvary, not when Jesus was born. This is a very important distinction because Jesus was born under the Law, fulfilled the Law and then replaced it with the New Covenant as a means of right-standing with God. Again, the New Covenant began with Jesus’ death, not with His birth.

Lie # 35 “Every Christian has two natures until he dies.”

While this is a common misconception in the church today, we can only have one nature or “essence” at a time. Jesus revealed to Paul that at rebirth, the old, in Adam nature is spiritually circumcised away, replaced by a regenerated, new creation being that is part of a new race and a partaker of divine nature because of now being in Christ Jesus (see Galatians 2:20 and 2 Corinthians 5:17). This revelation can only be reckoned by faith, not by observing one’s unsanctified soul life.

Yes, there is a battle in the mind of every believer because the soul and body were running things before the saint’s new spirit-being was regenerated and plugged into God. The natural mind does not automatically start thinking like God immediately upon rebirth, (after being spiritually under Satan’s power and at enmity with God before rebirth.) That is why mind renewal, as noted in Romans 12 2, is so very necessary to live victoriously on earth. But the reality of having an unsanctified outer man should not be misunderstood as still being somehow in Adam and being in Christ at the same time. Light does not mix with Darkness. “We were Darkness but now we are light in the Lord so walk as children of the light.” See Ephesians 5:8 and 2 Corinthians 6:14.

Coming Next Week: Lies # 36 and #37 that often confuse many Christians. REMEMBER: Wrong believing which leads to wrong living. Conversely, right believing leads to right and prosperous living in Christ. Contact me (below) with any comments or questions about the content of this Blog. Lenny