But Knowing The Truth Will Set You Free
Lie # 5 “The four Gospels are the only true Gospel of Jesus Christ.”
Not so. While they reveal God’s true nature through the life of Jesus, who focused on His Father rather than on the Law of Moses (which became obsolete and was replaced for Jewish believers), they mainly describe His earthly life. They only briefly touch on the most important event in history – His death, resurrection and ascension that opened heaven to everyone who believes and receives His divine exchange. But Jesus’ whole Gospel of grace, that describes how that happened and what it means for mankind, was revealed in its fullness to Paul by Christ Jesus Himself. In Paul’s Gospel, Jesus explains how to see and enter into God’s Kingdom life of victory in the unseen realm, in and through accepting Christ’s finished work by the enablement of the Holy Spirit living inside each reborn believer. See Chapter One and Eighteen through Twenty.
Lie # 6 “The Word of God is the same as ‘the Gospel of Christ.’”
No, not technically. The whole Bible is the word of God but Paul referred to Jesus’ revelation to him specifically as the “Gospel of Christ” (the whole Gospel of lavish grace) as he called it in Romans 1:16 in the Greek and in Philippians 1:27. Paul wrote most of his many books before any of the four Gospels were written so he must have been referring to only what Jesus directly revealed to him on page 28 of this book. See more distinctions in Chapters Six, Seven and Twelve of the Elephant book.
Coming Next Week: Lies # 7 and #8 that often confuse many Christians. REMEMBER: Wrong believing which leads to wrong living. Conversely, right believing leads to right and prosperous living in Christ. Contact me (below) with any comments or questions about the content of this Blog. Lenny
life, that is, Jesus himself.