Chapter Seven –  Worldviews in Conflict

Please note: If you have not already done so, please answer the questions in CHART 1 of the previous chapter, “Discovering Your Worldview.” Will everyone answer them as you did? Of course not. In fact, others may respond in the exact opposite way from you. That is proof positive that not every worldview can be true. For example, some people believe that God exists; some do not. Those two beliefs cannot both be true in the same way at the same time.

As this series progresses, you will see that all of the reasonable answers that could be given to the Chart 1 questions are represented in one of the eight major worldviews prevalent today, briefly described below in overview fashion.

1. Christian Theism
 The belief in an infinite, personal creator and sustainer of the universe revealed as a Triune God: the Father, His Son (Jesus Christ who is mankind’s Redeemer), and the Holy Spirit. God made mankind to know Him personally; love Him completely; serve Him wholeheartedly; and, through a trusting faith in Jesus Christ, to live a fulfilling life, now and forever, in Him. See PART ONE: Biblical Christianity, for more detail.
NOTE: Cults such as Christian Science, Mormonism, The Way International and Jehovah Witnesses that reject essential points of Christianity are counterfeits by definition. Moody Publishers offers helpful charts and pamphlets, Spirit of Truth and Error: The Cults and Spirit of Truth and Error: World Religions, that succinctly expose the fallacies of common cults and religions.
2. Deism
 The belief that an uninvolved creator fashioned the universe as a closed system and left it to run according to established laws, which should be obeyed so that the “machine” runs smoothly.
3. Polytheism
 The belief in many gods, who have human qualities and failings, as in pagan primitive religions and Greek mythology. They were often feared and, therefore, had to be appeased with animal or human sacrifices.
4. Eastern Pantheistic Monism
 The belief that “All that is” is god. Only by working off karma (guilt from wrong-doing) by many reincarnations as animals and humans and by constant effort and practice, can Nirvana or “Oneness with the impersonal All” someday be achieved. Hinduism and Buddhism are examples of this worldview.
5. New Age
 The belief in a varying blend of numbers 2, 3 and 4 with popular twists to attract people in the western culture.
6. Occult
 The belief that Satan is to be honored, feared and obeyed as a god and lord. He is worshiped through degrading and sacrilegious rituals. He offers hidden knowledge and power in exchange for allegiance.
7. Naturalism/Materialism
 The belief that no transcendent being, realm or after-life exists, therefore existence ceases at death. Since there is no divine reference point and all is in flux, man’s shifting reasoning is the measure of all things, the sole basis for constructing ever-changing moral and societal standards. Common forms include Marxism, Secular Humanism and Atheistic Existentialism
8. Nihilism
 The belief that nothing whatever of value exists. All is absurd, meaningless, worthless and, therefore, hopeless. The most rational thing to do is commit suicide.

NOTE:  Later chapters in this section will analyze and compare CHART  2 worldviews in greater depth. They will help you to clarify and understand the differences and to more accurately pinpoint your worldview.

* This chart is based in part on an excellent book, The Universe Next Door by James W. Sire.