This very short Post by Paul Ellis concludes the series on Law vs. Grace. It is a fitting title, putting the choice squarely in your lap as a believer in Christ. Of course, Paul is not talking about the “Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus,” quoted from Romans 8:2 but the Mosaic Law – and any other law of “works” – that arouses sin and causes death, quoted from 2 Corinthians 3:7-11. At the bottom of this Post, I will explain what is coming here for the next 34 weeks – one of my books, for FREE.
Posted on January 19, 2012 by Paul Ellis

Those who insist that you must obey the commands of Jesus in order to be saved, blessed, forgiven, righteous and holy are assuming that you are either
(a) a time-traveler from Israel’s distant past
(b) the devil
If you are (a) I suggest you pick up a Sports Almanac, go back in time, and make a lot of money à la Marty McFly. Alternatively you could read this Blog, – starting with the first Post on January 2021 to today’s – in order to “repent” (update your thinking) and believe the good news of God’s awesome grace.
If you are (b), then, um, well, er… this is awkward. I don’t really have any good news for you at all. You’ve been judged, condemned and disarmed and you have no future at all.
But you are neither (a) nor (b), so arise, shine! For the glory of the Lord has risen upon you!
For Christ is the end of the (Mosaic) Law [the limit at which it ceases to be, for the Law leads up to Him Who is the fulfillment of its types, and in Him the purpose which it was designed to accomplish is fulfilled. That is, the purpose of the Law is fulfilled in Him] as the means of righteousness (right relationship to God) for everyone who trusts in and adheres to and relies on Him. (Rom 10:4, AMP)
Christ has become for us wisdom from God. He is our righteousness! He is our holiness! He is our redemption!
Let him who boasts, boast in the Lord!
An invitation from Paul Ellis:
If you have enjoyed all the many articles by Paul Ellis (quoted in this Blog) you can sign up to his free email list and he will notify you about new articles as soon they come out. No spam! He has an extensive index of over 10 years of his insightful articles for FREE. Help these messages of love and freedom go further by supporting him via our Patreon page. I do. Lenny R.
This Blog is dedicated to presenting and explaining Jesus’ Gospel of Grace – the Theology of the new Second Reformation – that is sweeping the world. (Paul Ellis has a listing of many of the authors and teachers of this move of God on his site.)
Now it is time for me to apply this revelation of God’s lavish Grace to the Seen Realm of conflicting Worldviews and the increasing confusing and divisive realm of politics in America and beyond.
To do that, starting next week, I will present the full text of my Amazon published book entitled God’s Solution For A Frac / tur \ ed America. This is a compilation of a series of 34 articles which I wrote for the “Concerned Women of America” many years back. Given what is unfolding now in America and beyond, this content is more relevant than ever. It is apologetic – presenting a defense of the true Gospel of Grace of the New Covenant against many of the contrary Worldviews fueled by the Satanic lies of godless Macro-evolution and Secularism and some popular false religious systems that are anything but “good news.” I also include a new way to view the political spectrum of competing Worldviews – secular and religious – in comparison with true, grace-based Christianity – which the Blog focuses on.
I will present one chapter each week. But if you want to read it faster, the print and Kindle version is available at Amazon for the lowest price they allow. The advantage of the Kindle format on a Kindle device (besides being only 99 cents) is that it will read the text to you while driving etc. OR, you can put their app on your laptop or android or iphone to read it at your convenience. It will be an enlightening ride for the next eight months – spanning the crucial 2022 election in America. Like our Founding Fathers modeled, our dependence must be on God, not on Man, to have victory in the Seen Realm.
life, that is, Jesus himself.