A Word about BIG PICTURE Thinking …

Two contemporary expressions capture the point behind the popular “elephant parable” which tells of five blind persons, each describing an elephant differently – according to which particular part they were touching. They each lacked a true “Overview” or the “Big Picture.”

The western mind is routinely trained to focus on and dissect, analyze and categorize the parts of every whole. Consequently, according to some estimates, our knowledge base doubles every four years. This is a mixed blessing. It is now virtually impossible for one individual to master any broad field of academic knowledge, as was once the case – much less to have an integrated view of all disciplines. (Incidentally, this should deepen our appreciation of God’s Omniscience, Total Truth Himself.) So, we “specialize” in areas of theology, medicine, engineering, social work, math, etc. in order to thoroughly comprehend and properly perform in that particular denomination or school of thought. 

Fragmented Culture

This dynamic is reflected in the way schools now typically relay content during the elementary grades and sometimes beyond. For example, rarely if ever does an elementary science textbook give an overview of the entire animal and/or plant kingdoms. Various disjointed parts of the whole are given out over those years until, hopefully, ninth grade biology class presents the overview of both kingdoms. That is backwards.

Unfortunately, without an organizing center, little information is retained by students – except for those gifted with a great memory and so tend to natively synthesize information into an Overview. It is usually the same sad story with geography or history – and even the Bible. Thus, during the early  formative years (which is the ideal time for training children in Big Picture thinking – like the Montessori Method does), fragmentation is the norm. This is is even more so true when the Bible is not one’s fundamental Worldview. 

Personally, I learned to start to appreciate, look for, and expand into Big Picture thinking only after 19 years of “quality” private education as both a student and teacher of “conventional” education. That rather painful  mental revolution came as part of the training I received to become a certified Montessori teacher. Only there was I taught to start with seeing the “whole elephant” then analyze its parts (while keeping the whole in mind) then re-integrate again.

The whole is always greater than the parts so to think only in disjointed parts is to miss the “greater whole.” It makes learning, retention and recall so much harder. In time, I learned to gather parts into wholes and assembled those wholes such as geography, science, history,  into a book called Pathways in 1992 at the request of homeschoolers interested in giving their children a great head start in Big Picture, integrated thinking.

The situation in traditional education has only gotten worse in recent years with learning models that reduce, rather than expand, the student’s span of concentration and attention – and also by the trend to substitute foundational content with relativism, fragmented “learning experiences,” endless curriculum experimentation, “new math,” gender identity confusion, etc. Shows like Sesame Street feature quick, exciting snippets of content, without a Big Picture backdrop. And, in so many ways, the underlaying values of Christianity as the basis of truth have been compromised by the calculated secularization of our society.

Fragmented Christianity

All this is to say that, on the whole, we as American Christians are now less able and inclined to adequately understand, explain and defend our belief system against other competing Worldviews. We might be well versed in some aspects of the Bible but usually are not trained to know what and why we believe what we believe – from a Big Picture viewpoint. Though we know enough to be saved,  many churchgoers leave it the the minister or priest to “discuss religion” and evangelize etc.

Too often, we don’t understand the “why” behind the assumptions and our doctrine and belief system, let alone those of other worldviews. It puts us in an undesirable and unnecessary defensive posture toward others who are often better grounded in their Worldview than we are. How can we then respond instantly in season and out of season? How can we be effective ministers of reconciliation as God’s ambassadors? How can we be salt and light in this confused world without a Big Picture view and conviction of what Christ Jesus has already DONE for us in His Finished Work of the Divine Exchange on Calvary and beyond?

God’s Alternative

What I am pointing to is nothing less than seeing the same way God sees – “the end from the beginning” – His Big Picture view of who He is and who you are – and His Love and Grace toward you. Impossible? Then why does Paul insist that we, as new creation saints, “have the mind of Christ” if it is not at least available to us? And why does Paul also say that “the mysteries that have been kept hidden are now disclosed to the saints?” In truth, the living and active Word of God has enough revelation about who God is, who we are, how and what He has done and what He plans to do, to present His “heart and mind” to those who seek Him.

The Holy Spirit, Our Enabler

I gratefully concede that the gift of faith, which enables us to grasp these mysteries, comes by the grace and revelation of God, ministered to us by our Guide and Teacher, the Holy Spirit, God Himself. Jesus sent Him to personalize the Truth of the Word to us and He is the monumental advantage we have over every Worldview that is contrary to the true Gospel of Grace. Only He can reliably help us to rightly discern false spirits who are teaching false doctrines.

In Big Picture terms, the various cults, the so-called Culture War, the War on Drugs, on Terror on Poverty, on Gender etc. are just a few of the many battles in the spiritual war between the two Kingdoms of Light and Darkness. When Adam rebelled against God, he relinquished God’s delegated, legal authority over the earth to Satan. Jesus came to rescue mankind from Satan’s dominion and restore man to fellowship with God through faith in His Finished Work of redemption. Satan seeks to regain power over believers through the deception of seemingly countless counterfeits against God’s established Way, Jesus Christ.

This Blog will, over time, present the Big Picture of Jesus’ whole Gospel of Grace, revealed directly to Paul, and, thereby, document and explain why only Christianity is the correct Worldview, the living Truth.

As disciples of Jesus Christ, it is imperative that we learn and operate from a systematic Overview of the genuine, whole Gospel of Grace that Jesus revealed directly to Paul – both for our own sake and to facilitate others’ rebirth into freedom. It is the plumb line to which all other worldviews are to be compared.  ***

My next Post will present a Key to God’s Big Picture perspective – which is His progressive revelation of His Salvation Plan from Genesis to Revelation. How? By examining the “skeletal framework” of the Bible which is its Five Main Covenants. They are essential stepping stones to understanding 1) who God really is and 2) what Jesus accomplished for us as our “Last Adam.”

It will be a simplified version of a vital section of my book entitled Is There An Elephant In YOUR Church? – which is available on Kindle for a mere $.99 – and in print at Amazon. Keep your eyes on Jesus – and His Finished Work – that now includes every Reborn Saint In Christ.

*** FYI: This Post was adapted from one chapter in my $.99 book on Kindle  –  God’s Total Truth Solution for a Fractured America.  It compares Christianity against seven other main Worldviews to prove why Christianity is superior to them all. It also tackles the lie of Macro-Evolution that has been used to cast doubt on the Bible’s veracity. The Kindle Fire will even read it to you!

2 thoughts on “A Word about BIG PICTURE Thinking …

  1. Tom gregg

    Wow, thanks for inviting me to this site. I have been reading and re-reading the elephant book. I actually ordered another one as my first one is a confusing mess of colored underlining and highlighting. I guess I am cerebrally looking for what you call the whole elephant overview. This is exciting stuff. I’m so glad you are attending a Christian international church as I have in the last year become convinced that that’s where God wants me. Only recently have I been questioning myself about what really is my overall cohesive gospel I am trying to communicate.

    1. Hi Tom,
      Have you been keeping up with the Posts and songs? I add one of each every week. I sent you an e-mail a while back of how to access one of my talks at TUM posted privately on Youtube.. Wondered if you checked that out.
      Blessings in Jesus,

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