Oh! The Gospel From Lord Jesus



Oh! The Gospel From Lord Jesus which He revealed to Paul, Gal. 1:12
Gives the revelation of His Cross with benefits for all. Rom. 6:6-11
The Unseen Realm that He revealed is outside time and space. 2 Cor. 4:18
The privileges He won for all, are mine, through faith, by grace. Eph. 2:8-9

Yes, the Gospel from Lord Jesus, in which I now abide, John 15:4
Is the finished work of Jesus who healed me when He died. 1 Peter 2:24
All benefits and blessings are now mine through what He did. Eph. 1:14
I speak them into this seen realm from unseen Truth that’s hid. Col. 3:1-3

One in spirit, with my Father, because of Jesus’ Blood. 1 Cor. 6:17
His grace, through faith, has justified and cleansed me like a flood. Titus 3:5
The moment I was born again His Life poured into me, John 3:3
And, since I have the Holy Spirit living within me, 1 Cor. 3:16
I share His fruit of peace and love and joy with You for free. Gal. 5:22

Yes, the Gospel from Lord Jesus that paid for all my sin! Col. 2:13
Is the Great Exchange with Jesus through whom I’ve entered in,
Into the courts of Heaven where, in Christ, I now abide, Eph. 2:6
Day in, day out, forever, next to my Father’s side. Heb. 10:12

In the finished work of Jesus, there is nothing left undone. Heb. 4:3
He defeated Satan’s plan for me, in Him my battle’s won. Col. 1:13
I live His victory every day by speaking what is true, Phil. 4:8
Replacing thoughts of doubt and fear – in Him, all things are new. 2 Cor. 5:16-20

One in spirit, with my Father, because of Jesus’ Blood.
His grace, through faith, has justified and cleansed me like a flood.
The moment I was Born Again His Life poured into me,
And, since I have the Holy Spirit living within me,
I share His Fruit of peace and love and joy with You for free.

Yes, the Gospel from Lord Jesus, that gives me peace of mind, Phil. 4:7
Is the Great Exchange with Jesus, where only I can find Phil 3:8b-9
A future and a hope each day, when troubles come my way. Phil. 4:6
I set my mind on Jesus Christ, who prompts me as I pray, Col. 3:1-3
Relying on His finished work to live above the fray! John 19:30

C © Copyright 2020 by Leonard J. Ransil CCLI # 7089486

COMMENTARY See above scriptures for confirmation of the lyrics and see the coming Post on May 9th for more explanation of Jesus’ Fifth Gospel revealed to Paul.