Now I’m a Winner not a Sinner



Now I’m a Winner not a sinner, 1 Corinthians 15:54 
I’m a saint not an “ain’t,” Philippians 1:1
Thanks to Jesus who has set this captive – free. Luke 4:18
I’m the head, not the tail, Deuteronomy 28:13
Anchored now behind the veil, Hebrews 6:19,  NIV version
Learning how to live in Jesus victory. 1 Thessalonians 5:10

Holy Spirit, Counselor and Friend Isaiah 11:2, John 15:13
Keep me faithful to the very end.
Day by day, Lord, have Your way in me
As You lead me to my destiny. John 16:13

Well it’s not just what I see that defines reality 2 Corinthians 4:18
For my human mind can’t see the things above. 1 Corinthians 2:14
But Your promises are true 2 Corinthians 1:20
And, by faith, they’re mine through You 2 Peter 1:4
Who enables me to live Your life of love. Gal 5:22

It’s by faith, Lord, in Your living Word 2 Corinthians 5:7
And obeying what I know I’ve heard, Hebrews 11:1
That Your promise of abundant Life John 10:10
Overcomes all tragedy and strife. John 16:33

Now I’m a Winner not a sinner, 1 Corinthians 15:54
I’m a saint not an “ain’t,” Philippians 1:1
Thanks to Jesus who has set this captive – free. Luke 4:18
I’m the head, not the tail, Deuteronomy 28:13
Anchored now behind the veil, Hebrews 6:19, NIV version
Learning how to live in Jesus victory. 1 Thessalonians 5:10

© 2020 by Leonard J. Ransil ~ CCLI # 7089125

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For Commentary see Post Are You A Winner Or A Loser?