Chapter Twenty-five – Thomas Jefferson’s Beliefs

As stated in the previous chapter, “Our Foundation: Deist or Christian?“, Secularists have revised history to say that our Founders were generally Secularists, or at best, Deists and certainly not religious since their allegiance was to the Enlightenment. If that could be said of anyone other than Benjamin Franklin, it would be said of Thomas …

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Chapter Twenty-four –  Our Christian Foundation: Deist or Christian?

As stated in a previous chapter, “Hidden Worldviews“, it is essential to realize that every government, organization, business and institution reflects the Worldview of its founders. So, on which of the Eight Major Worldviews did our Founding Fathers base the establishment of America? Before the chaos of the 1960's, it was an evident and undisputed …

Continue reading Chapter Twenty-four –  Our Christian Foundation: Deist or Christian?

Chapter Twenty-three – Secularist Strategies Unveiled

Secularists have used a three prong approach to attack and destroy our Christian heritage so that they can replace it with their own Materialistic Worldview. Their relentless war has most Americans confused and on the defensive. To win this war of worldviews, it is time to: 1) unveil their anti-God strategies 2) provide the truth …

Continue reading Chapter Twenty-three – Secularist Strategies Unveiled

Chapter Twenty-two  –  Three Secular Reasons for Promoting a Christian Worldview

Reason #1: Secularism Leads to Tyranny Portions of this chapter are based on the book Three Secular Reasons-Why America Should be Under God by William J. Federer. A previous chapter, “Hidden Worldviews,” argued from logic why teaching the Christian Worldview in public schools is best both for students and for America. Of course, Secular Humanists …

Continue reading Chapter Twenty-two  –  Three Secular Reasons for Promoting a Christian Worldview